Bitcoin Prediction: Arthur Hayes Projects $100K in 2024, $1M in 2025

Rameesha Sajwar
By Rameesha Sajwar Add a Comment 1
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Bitcoin Prediction: Arthur Hayes Projects $100K in 2024, $1M in 2025

News sources report that Arthur Hayes, the co-founder of Bitmex, has shared an ambitious Bitcoin prediction. He forecasts the cryptocurrency to reach and alleged $100,000 by the end of 2024 and an impressive $1 million in 2025, attributing this anticipated growth to strategic actions by the U.S. Treasury and significant liquidity injections into the financial system.

U.S. Treasury Liquidity and Bitcoin Prediction

Hayes anticipates that the U.S. Treasury, under the direction of Secretary Janet Yellen, will play a pivotal role in the financial markets. “As money leaves the Fed’s balance sheet, it adds liquidity, which causes finite financial assets such as Bitcoin to go to the moon,” Hayes stated. He foresees significant liquidity injections, estimating a range from $301 billion to a staggering $1.05 trillion before the year concludes, as reported.

Bitcoin Prediction
Bitcoin Prediction

This, according to Hayes, will counteract recent market downturns and propel Bitcoin to the $100,000 mark. Hayes argues that such substantial liquidity influxes will not only boost Bitcoin but also stabilize broader financial markets, fostering an environment ripe for substantial gains in digital assets.

Impact of U.S. Debt Ceiling and Market Projections

Looking beyond the immediate future, Hayes predicts even greater gains in the financial markets post-resolution of the U.S. debt ceiling issue. He suggests that once the debt ceiling is addressed, increased liquidity from the Treasury and potentially the Federal Reserve will create the conditions for a significant bull market, supporting his Bitcoin prediction. 

Hayes reportedly commented on the timing, noting that the resolution of the debt ceiling “charade” could occur in early 2025, specifically in January or February. This, he believes, will set the stage for Bitcoin to “quickly retrace the dump caused by the yen strengthening,” with the next significant milestone being $100,000.

Hayes also touches on the upcoming U.S. presidential election, describing it as a “coin toss.” He advises caution, preferring to observe the election’s outcome before making significant market moves. “I would rather watch the chaos from the sidelines and step back into the markets AFTER the U.S. debt ceiling is raised,” Hayes said. 

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He seemingly expects this strategic waiting period to be beneficial, especially once the debt ceiling issue is resolved. Hayes believes that navigating market uncertainties linked to the election will allow investors to avoid potential pitfalls and capitalize on the clearer investment landscape that should emerge afterwards.

The 2025 Bull Market: A Global Perspective

Hayes’ vision extends to 2025, where he envisions a “glorious” bull market fueled by both American and Chinese fiscal policies. He predicts that “as soon as Bad Gurl Yellen and towel boy Powell combine forces,” China will implement its long-anticipated “Bazooka fiscal stimulus.” 

This Sino-American dynamic, Hayes believes, will be the catalyst for an unprecedented bull market for his Bitcoin prediction of $1 million. His bullish outlook is grounded in the expectation that the combined liquidity efforts of major global economies will significantly boost financial markets.


In summary, Arthur Hayes presents a cautiously optimistic forecast for Bitcoin and the broader financial markets. His Bitcoin prediction, centered around the actions of the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve, suggests a period of significant growth driven by strategic liquidity injections.

Bitcoin Prediction
Bitcoin Prediction

With potential impacts from both domestic fiscal policy and international developments, Hayes’ Bitcoin prediction reflects a complex interplay of factors. As the U.S. election approaches and the debt ceiling issue looms, Hayes advises careful observation and strategic timing, laying out a vision of Bitcoin’s rise to unprecedented heights. Learn more about the changes in Bitcoin prices with TheBITJournal



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