Stablecoin Issuers Granted More Time to Conform with Canadian New Rules: Here’s Why?

Hannah Mwareri
5 Min Read
Stablecoin Issuers Granted More Time to Conform with Canadian New Rules: Here's Why?

In an advanced communication, the Canadian Securities and Exchange Commission (CSA) has granted local and foreign crypto exchanges additional time to adhere to stablecoin requirements. The deadline extension demonstrates that the CSA is stepping up its enforcement efforts mandating crypto exchange to comply with regulatory requirements for dollar-backed coins before year-end.

Market regulators have argued that the stablecoin rules aim to protect investors from exploitative business activities. This implies that violation of the stablecoin legislation could be punishable by the law.

Why Did Canada Extend the Deadline for Stablecoin Compliance?

The CSA explained that non-compliant crypto exchanges by December 31 will be ejected from the vibrant Canadian crypto market. In 2023, Canadian regulators forced leading exchanges such as KuCoin, Binance, and Poloniex to exit the market due to non-compliance.

The departure of these exchanges forced other firms, such as Kraken and Coinbase, to prioritize complying with the Canadian regulatory requirements to remain afloat.  Initially, the CSA instructed crypto exchanges to comply with the new stablecoin legislation by October 31.


Stablecoin Issuers Granted More Time to Conform with Canadian New Rules: Here's Why? = The Bit Journal

Citing the technical challenges reported in the April meeting, the CSA agreed to push the dates to late December to allow the crypto exchange to conform to the new legislation. The deadline extension was the second since the CSA announced plans to regulate stablecoin issuance.

This implies that virtual asset service providers (VASPs) will have ample time to meet the CSA terms and conditions for issuing fiat-backed digital currency.

Also, the CSA confirmed that it was open to new ideas for safeguarding investors in the digital space. While stablecoin remains the centre of discussion, the regulators stated that it has been in dialogue with key industrial players on protecting the investors.

Suitability of Canada Crypto Market

The regulators explained that the dialogues aimed at preventing the recurrence of another TerraUSD scandal that exposed the investors to massive losses. A review of the CSA report demonstrates that if the new legislation takes effect, value-referenced crypto assets (VRCAs) will be restricted in Canada.

The CSA described VRCAs as algorithmic stablecoins unsupported by a single fiat currency. The regulator stated that stablecoin backed to a single fiat currency will only be issued if the crypto exchange complies with the CSA requirements.


Stablecoin Issuers Granted More Time to Conform with Canadian New Rules: Here's Why? = The Bit Journal

Even though the stablecoin rule has undergone various amendments, the new legislation profiled Canada as an unattractive crypto destination due to strict rules. These regulatory shifts forced fast-paced exchanges such as Paxos, OKX, and Bybit to flee from the Canadian market.

Will Crypto Exchanges Comply with Canadian Stablecoin Legislation?

While others opted to exit Canada, Kraken, Coinbase, and Bitget vowed to remain and comply with the new legislation. Kraken projects that Canada will lead the way in enacting clear rules for digital assets. Compared to other countries working on developing stablecoin rules, Canada has led the charge in implementing new regulations for dollar-backed coins.

The tight regulatory grip embraced by CSA  shields investors from the risk of trading unregulated crypto assets. The CSA explained that unregulated crypto offerings could expose customers to massive financial losses.

The CSA urged investors to stay updated with crypto development to avoid such losses. The CSA vowed to provide the investors with educational materials and training to ensure compliance with the law.

The CSA regulatory approach demonstrates how the regulators promote innovation while shielding investors from situations that might lead to unfair business practices. With ongoing regulatory development, Canada will act as a benchmark to countries seeking to balance innovation and still protect the consumer’s interest in crypto.

For more information on how new stablecoin regulations will redefine the Canadian crypto market, follow The Bitjournal on X, Telegram, and LinkedIn.


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