Wealthify vs Moneyfarm: Which Is the Better in 2023

Andras Crow-Hreidar
By Andras Crow-Hreidar Add a Comment
8 Min Read

Navigating the world of investment platforms can be daunting, especially when deciding between Wealthify and Moneyfarm. In 2023, both have made significant strides in their offerings, making the comparison more relevant than ever. Understanding their investment options and fees, evaluating the user experience and interface, and examining each platform’s performance and returns are crucial for making an informed choice. This guide will help you delve into the specifics, ensuring you’re well-equipped to decide whether Wealthify or Moneyfarm is the better option for your investment needs this year.

Comparison of Investment Options and Fees


When comparing Wealthify and Moneyfarm, it’s crucial to look at the range of investment options and the associated fees. Wealthify offers a variety of investment plans, including ethical portfolios, which cater to socially conscious investors. On the other hand, Moneyfarm provides more customization, allowing you to tailor your investment according to your risk appetite.

Investment Options:

  • Wealthify:
    • Standard Investment Plans
    • Ethical Investment Portfolios
  • Moneyfarm:
    • Standard Investment Plans
    • Customizable Risk Levels

Additionally, assessing the fee structure for both platforms is important to determine overall costs. Wealthify has a simple and transparent fee structure, charging a management fee of 0.60% per annum. Moneyfarm, however, charges a tiered fee structure starting at 0.75% per annum, but it decreases as you invest more.


Platform Management Fee Additional Fees
Wealthify 0.60% per annum Fund Charges
Moneyfarm 0.75% – 0.35% Fund Charges

In summary, Wealthify’s transparent fees and ethical investment options make it appealing for budget-conscious and socially responsible investors. Conversely, Moneyfarm’s tiered fees and customizable plans might attract those with a larger investment portfolio and specific risk preferences.

User Experience and Interface

When comparing Wealthify with Moneyfarm in terms of user experience and interface, both platforms offer intuitive and user-friendly designs. However, there are some distinct differences that could impact your overall experience.


  • Simple Navigation: Wealthify emphasizes simplicity, making it easy to navigate even for beginners.
  • Dashboard: The Wealthify dashboard is clean and visually appealing, offering a snapshot of your portfolio’s performance at a glance.
  • Mobile App: Wealthify’s mobile app is highly rated for its streamlined user interface, allowing clients to manage investments on the go.


  • Detailed Insights: Moneyfarm provides more in-depth data and analysis tools for users who prefer detailed information about their investments.
  • User Interface: While also intuitive, some users find Moneyfarm’s interface more complex due to the abundance of features.
  • Personal Advisor: Moneyfarm offers access to personal financial advisors through its platform, adding a layer of personalized user support.

Comparison Table

Feature Wealthify Moneyfarm
Ease of Use Excellent Good
Mobile App Highly Rated Adequate
Dashboard Clean and Simple Detailed and Complex
Personal Advisor Not Available Available

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Overall, if you prioritize a straightforward, intuitive interface with excellent mobile functionality, Wealthify might be the better choice for you. On the other hand, if you appreciate detailed insights and personal advice, Moneyfarm could offer more value.

Performance and Returns in 2023

When it comes to evaluating the performance and returns in 2023, both Wealthify and Moneyfarm have demonstrated promising results. However, there are distinct differences to consider.


  • Performance: Wealthify has shown consistent returns across various risk levels, from cautious to adventurous.
  • Returns: In 2023, Wealthify’s cautious portfolio yielded approximately 4-5%, while the adventurous one offered returns around 8-10%.
  • Volatility: Wealthify’s portfolios tend to have lower volatility due to diversified investment strategies.


  • Performance: Moneyfarm has also maintained steady performance, particularly in higher risk portfolios.
  • Returns: The conservative portfolio achieved returns of about 3-4%, and the higher risk portfolios saw returns between 9-11% in 2023.
  • Volatility: Moneyfarm’s higher risk portfolios may experience more volatility but can potentially offer higher rewards.

Comparison Table:

Portfolio Type Wealthify Returns Moneyfarm Returns
Cautious 4-5% 3-4%
Adventurous 8-10% 9-11%

In conclusion, both platforms have performed well in 2023. Wealthify tends to offer stability with slightly lower peak returns, while Moneyfarm might appeal to those willing to accept higher volatility for the chance of greater rewards. Your choice depends on your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key differences between Wealthify and Moneyfarm?

Wealthify and Moneyfarm are both robo-advisors designed to help you manage your investments. The key differences lie in their fee structures, investment strategies, and levels of personalization. Wealthify offers a flat fee of 0.60% to 0.70% of your investment per year, while Moneyfarm has a tiered fee structure ranging from 0.35% to 0.75%. Wealthify primarily uses passive investment strategies focused on diversification through ETFs, whereas Moneyfarm combines both active and passive strategies and offers more personalized advice through human financial advisors.

Is there a minimum investment required for either Wealthify or Moneyfarm?

Yes, both platforms have minimum investment requirements, but they differ in their amounts. Wealthify allows you to start investing with as little as £1, making it highly accessible for beginners. Moneyfarm, on the other hand, has a higher minimum investment requirement of £500, which might be less appealing for those new to investing or those wanting to test the waters with a smaller amount of money.

Which platform offers better customer support?

Both Wealthify and Moneyfarm offer robust customer support, but they differ in their approaches. Wealthify provides support primarily through email and an online help center, with phone support available during business hours. Moneyfarm offers more personalized customer support, including consultations with human financial advisors, frequent portfolio review calls, and email support. Moneyfarm also includes a mobile app to facilitate easy communication.

How do the investment returns compare between Wealthify and Moneyfarm?

Investment returns can vary significantly depending on market conditions and the individual strategies employed by each platform. Historically, both Wealthify and Moneyfarm have demonstrated competitive returns, but the results can vary based on the chosen risk levels and market performance. Wealthify focuses on low-cost, diversified portfolios that aim to provide steady long-term growth, whereas Moneyfarm’s combination of active and passive strategies may offer the potential for higher returns, albeit with increased risk. It’s essential to compare past performance data and align it with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

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Editorial Director Hi there, my name is András and I'm a business and finance journalist living in Norway. My passion lies in uncovering the latest stories in the world of finance and delivering them to my readers in a way that's clear and engaging. I cover a wide range of topics in the finance world, including cryptocurrencies, which I believe have the potential to transform the way we interact with money and financial systems. As a journalist, I'm committed to providing my readers with accurate and reliable reporting. I believe that access to high-quality information is essential for making informed decisions, whether it's about personal finances or investments. When I'm not writing about finance, I enjoy a variety of hobbies and interests.
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